One of the most common, and well-researched performance supplements, whey protein has gone through several iterations and refinements to achieve a high-quality end result. One of these is whey protein isolate, which has become a celebrated supplement amongst bodybuilders, professional athletes, and gym enthusiasts alike to help build skeletal muscle mass and support post-exercise recovery (Kim et al, 2023).

What is whey isolate?

Whey protein is a complete protein derived from cow’s milk, which means it contains all the essential amino acids (EAA). EAAs are called as such because the body is not able to produce them endogenously, meaning you must obtain them from external sources (e.g. foodstuffs). EAAs are also crucial to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and protein turnover for muscle growth (Ferrando et al, 2023).

Note: protein turnover is the term used to describe the process of replacing ‘degraded or damaged muscle proteins, laying the metabolic foundation for enhanced functional performance’ (Ferrando et al, 2023).

Learn more about EAAs in our educational article: EAA vs BCAA

But what is whey isolate then? 

Whey isolate is a type of whey protein that has gone through an additional set of processes to produce a more refined product, with significantly less fat and lactose. This differentiates it from other forms of whey (like whey concentrate), and may be more suitable to your training and diet.

What’s the difference between whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate?

Whey protein can come in a variety of forms, with two of the most common being whey concentrate and whey isolate. But what is the actual difference between these two dietary supplement ingredients?

As we mentioned above, whey isolate goes through a more intensive filtration process to yield a higher protein, lower lactose/fat/carbohydrate content – with a yield of up to 90% protein (Jana, 2022). This would mean for example, that in a 30g serving, whey isolate would offer you roughly 27g of protein.

At the top end of the range, Supplement Needs’ Whey ISO+ delivers this incredible 90% content to help you achieve the results you’re looking for.

Whey concentrate on the other hand, tends to range up to 80% protein content – which would achieve around 24g of protein per 30g serving. This will also deliver a slightly higher lactose/fat/carbohydrate content.

What are the benefits of whey protein isolate?

Any nutritional supplement worth its salt should improve or maximise your exercise routine, and provide valuable support within the body to help you achieve your fitness goals. Whey protein isolate is an exceptional performance supplement with a wide range of benefits, including:

Increase muscle gain

Studies have shown that consuming whey protein isolate can increase muscle mass when combined with resistance training (Duarte et al, 2020; Camera, 2022). 

Support post-exercise recovery

Supplementing with whey isolate delivers vital amino acids to your muscles, which assist with recovery and repairing micro-tears in your muscles – in part by increasing your myofibrillar protein synthesis rates (Hartono et al, 2022).


Whey protein isolate is a convenient way to help increase your total daily protein intake if you’re not getting enough from whole food in your diet, especially if you have a high training load.


Whey protein isolate is more refined, which means it works well when mixed with water. This results in a thinner consistency, which may sit easier on the stomach than a shake made with whey concentrate.

Low lactose content 

The extra filtration of whey protein isolate means that it has a lower lactose content. Whilst not recommended for those with an allergy - as it’s still derived from milk - whey isolate is a valuable option for those with a sensitivity to lactose.

Tip - have you tried Supplement Needs Vegan ISO+? It’s one of the only ‘complete’ lactose-free protein powders on the market. 

Low carbohydrate and fat content 

Due to the further processing whey isolate undergoes, it’s ideal to help you support heavy training loads (and gain lean muscle) whilst also monitoring your carb and fat intake.

Looking for more to support your performance? Consider stacking your Whey ISO+ with our Creatine Monohydrate and Glutamine Powder for optimal nutritional recovery.

Guide - want to find out more about protein and lactose intolerance? Then read our complete guide now: What Type of Protein Powder Is Best for People Who Are Lactose Intolerant?

Choose Supplement Needs for your whey protein isolate

When it comes to maximising performance and fueling your body, you deserve the best – which means you need to choose the best. By choosing Supplement Needs, you will benefit from:

  • High-quality ingredients: quality ingredients make quality products. That’s why we ensure the highest ingredient quality; from using bioavailable forms for maximum results, to patented, non-generic ingredients where appropriate to achieve a consistently premium product.

  • Total ingredient transparency: you should always know what your supplement is made of, which is why we adhere to a strict policy of ingredient transparency. You’ll not only know what is in our supplements, but also which chemical form, and even the part of the plant our organic extracts were derived from.

  • Superb manufacturing standards: all of Supplement Needs’ products are made here in the UK, in adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices and ISO standards (ISO 22000:2018) to ensure their consistency, quality, and safety.

  • Expert research and development: Supplement Needs’ Whey ISO+ is designed and formulated by Dr Dean St Mart. With a double first class honours degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and a PhD in synthetic organic chemistry and fluorescence spectroscopy, you can benefit from his vast knowledge and experience with our supplements.

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